The Power Of Addiction | Just Wild Art
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The Power Of Addiction, 10x20x1/2 canvas, Orig 1/2024, $1,020.00+S/H. This is a NEW series about The Power Of Addiction, limited series. This is the first painting of the series "Addiction" being controlled by a substance that you have no control over. It's the disease of addiction. There are various kinds started with the most familiar ones: alcohol, drugs, sex, food, smoking, shopping, exercising, gambling, electronic devices, etc. I am a recovering alcoholic. I just celebrated 19 yrs of sobriety. I will never be able to drink alcohol again, and I will always be in recovery is what happens when you have no control. This painting started as a colorful chakra painting, I was deep in thought as I was working on it, I was thinking of a friend who had returned to addiction and was now battling to take back the life she/he had once had. It's a powerful disease, and it takes a lot of strength to surrender to your higher power, go to meetings, find a sponsor, and work the steps. I chose the 12 Step program because it worked for me and millions and millions of people all over the world. If you want to live a better life, you have to do the hard work and make the changes to get your life back. You have to fight. This is a cover-up, using 4 layers of paint. Thank you.

The Power Of Addiction

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